Office of the General Counsel and Vice President

Role of the General Counsel and Vice President

  • 聘请律师在诉讼和行政诉讼中代表大学;
  • 向董事会、总裁、行政人员和其他人员提供法律和政策建议;
  • Drafts and interprets policies;
  • 代表大学谈判复杂的合同,并根据法律和大学的要求审查其他合同;
  • 支持教务长办公室处理与学术工会的关系;
  • Provides guidance and representation in complex personnel matters;
  • Reviews and drafts endowments and other gift agreements;
  • 协助学校适应新的法律法规和司法判决;
  • Implements preventative law measures;
  • 为十大电子游艺注册立大学基金会提供法律支持;
  • Participates in University committees;
  • 为大学内的知情决策和创造性解决问题提供资源.


Attorney Client Privilege

律师与当事人之间的保密特权是最古老、最受尊重的特权之一. 它可以防止律师被迫作证对其当事人不利. 这项特权的目的是通过鼓励客户向其律师充分披露信息,而不必担心信息会泄露给其他人,从而确保客户获得准确和合格的法律建议. 该特权包括书面和口头交流,并保护个人和机构客户. For the privilege to exist, the communication must be to, from, or with an attorney, and intended to be confidential. 此外,来文的目的必须是请求或接受法律咨询意见. Communications must be kept confidential for the privilege to apply.

Specific Situations Not Covered By the Attorney Client Privilege

  • Lawyer in the Room. 有时律师被要求参加一些不一定需要具体法律建议或代表的活动. In those contexts, the attorney-client privilege may not apply. A meeting with 在场的法律顾问不会因为律师在场而受到保护 room.
  • Documents Given to an Attorney. 文件不会仅仅因为交给律师或由律师审阅就自动获得特权. An existing, 转发给律师的非保密文件不会成为保密文件.
  • Correspondence with Copies to an Attorney. 一般通信不会因为律师被列在收到副本的人之列而成为保密对象 “blind” copy.
  • Communications in the Presence of a Third Party. 该特权仅适用于客户希望保密的通信. Communications made in non-private settings, 或者在第三人在场的情况下,没有必要完成目的 咨询了律师的意见,不属于机密,不受保密特权的保护.

Attorney Work Product

Attorney work-product includes documents, records, 诸如此类的是应律师的要求在诉讼前编写或制作的. Privilege extends to attorney work product.

GSU Employee Indemnification

Under Illinois law, “因雇员所在州范围内发生的任何作为或不作为而对该雇员提起民事诉讼的 employment, the Attorney General shall, upon timely and appropriate notice to him by such employee, 代表该雇员出庭并为该行为辩护”- 5 ILCS 350/2(a)

Service of Process

总法律顾问和副校长办公室是指定代表大学接受法律服务的大学办公室, the President, and the Board of Trustees. 总法律顾问办公室和副总统办公室将不接受代表个人的服务 named GSU employees; personal service of those individuals is required.

Retention of Counsel

总法律顾问和副总裁办公室遵守伊利诺伊州的采购法. 有关十大电子游艺注册采购和商业服务的信息, click here.

Signatory Authority

The Board of Trustees has delegated authority 代表总裁执行所有文件和签署所有合同 符合董事会的政策和大学的最好 interests.

All agreements that commit the resources of 或者代表大学创造义务的是合同, regardless of whether they are expressly titled “contract.” Titles of existing 合同包括但不限于协议、备忘录等 谅解,协议备忘录,意向备忘录,合作 agreement, proposal, purchase order and notice of award. All of these types of 文档,无论它们被称为什么,都会提交资源 大学或创造义务代表大学,并因此 contracts.

The President has delegated authority to 特定的大学员工代表GSU签订合同. No GSU 员工有权代表学校签订合同 未经总统以书面形式明确授权.


Q: My Department has been served with a lawsuit. What should I do?

A: Contact the General Counsel and Vice President immediately. 学校必须在诉讼后的规定时间内对诉讼作出回应 has been served. Do not discuss the lawsuit or the actions leading up to the 与第三方的诉讼,尤指与对方或律师的诉讼 representing the other side.

Q: I’ve been personally named as a defendant in a lawsuit. I was only doing my job. Will the University defend me?

A: GSU employees are eligible for indemnification under Illinois 如果他们因为诚实努力地履行职责而被起诉,他们将受到法律制裁. 在诉讼中被指名为被告的雇员应与将军联系 Counsel and Vice President immediately.

Q: Does it matter if I have left University employment at the time I am sued?

A: Your defense and indemnification depend on whether the 有争议的行为发生在你的工作过程和范围内,而不是 whether you continue to be employed by the University.

Q: I’ve been served with a subpoena. What should I do?

A: Contact the General Counsel and Vice President immediately. A subpoena is an order of the court. It may command you to appear at a specified date, time and location to testify; or, a subpoena may command you to produce certain documents. Do not ignore a subpoena. Failure to respond 传票会导致你或学校被判藐视法庭罪 court.

Q: What should I do if someone tries to serve me with a summons or complaint addressed to the University?

A: You are not authorized to accept service on behalf of the University, the Board of Trustees, or the President. Refer the person who is attempting to serve you to the General Counsel and Vice President. If the 传票或其他正式文件是写给你的,并与你的 大学就业,那么个人服务是必需的,你可以接受 service. You should then immediately notify the General Counsel and Vice President so that an appropriate response can be made.


本网页的叙述内容改编自韦恩州立大学法律总顾问办公室的网站, the University of Michigan, and Rutgers University.